About Myself

A passionate Software Engineer with 2+ years of experience in

  • Advanced Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Software Development
  • ML framework kernel writing and optimization

My current research interests include

  • Machine Learning
  • Generative Adversarial Network
  • NLP
  • Jan 2021-Present    

    Software Engineer |
    MulticoreWare Inc.

    Habana Labs (Intel Corp.) - Framework integration of Tensorflow and Pytorch Kernels.

    Cadence Design Systems, Inc. - Multithreaded SeniorAssist application, monitoring video & audio on separate threads of FPGA.

    Qualcomm - AIMET Post-training Quantization of EfficientNet-B0, HRNet & FasterRCNN with TensorRT SDK on Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier.

    Driver Monitoring System (in-house product) - TensorRT SDK to provide Nvidia GPU support for face recognition, facial landmarks detection, and head pose estimation models.

  • June 2020-Sept 2020

    Machine Learning Engineer |
    AdMax Technolgies

    Contract based work to develop models for Click-through-Rate prediction, Sentiment analysis of text, Caption summarization.
    The models are deployed in AWS EC2 instance to track user engagements in AD campaigns through GraphAPI for Facebook, Instagram.

  • Dec 2019-June 2020

    AI Computer Vision Intern |
    Nyx Wolves Freelance & Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

    Worked with the rapid growing startup to create modules for Business analytics application.
    Smart entry/exit count, Face recognition-Gender/Age, Path tracking.

  • May 2018-June 2018

    Intern |
    Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

    Practiced the communication systems used by BSNL ltd.

  • December 2017   

    Trainee |
    Airport Authority of India

    Monitored the working of different scanning machines, security control and worked directly in the computing methods used for secure cargo control.

  • 2020          

    Udacity |
    Deeplearning Nanodegree

    Worked with NN, CNN, RNN, GAN.
    Projects done towards graduation are Bike Sharing Patterns, Dog Breed Classifier, TV Script Generation, Face Generation, Sentiment Analysis model.

  • 2016-2020     

    B.E. (ECE) | Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering

    Admitted to renowned institution through merit grades.
    Undergrad studies and professors helped me to build my knowledge and find my passion.
    Courses: Digital Image Processing, Digital Signal processing, Robotics & Automation, Computer Architecture, Programming & Data Structures, Computer Programming, Embedded and Real Time Systems, Probability & Statistics.

  • 2019-Present    

    Mentor & Advisor at Robotics and Artificial Interlligence Club (RAIC), SVCE

    Initiated and playing mentor/advisor role at RAIC Club to help students in AI, Robot and Vision fields.

  • 2019-2020     

    Chairman of IETE SVCE Student's Forum

    Lead and coordinated National level technical Symposium (Upagraha 2019) which recorded highest registrations.
    Organized National Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Networking (NCSPCN 2019).
    Represented SVCE at IETE Zonal(South) Seminar & ISF Congress on "Smart Engineering for Sustainable Development".

  • 2018-2019     

    Executive member of ECE Association & IEEE student chapter, SVCE

    Organized events, workshops, guest lectures from industries and National level technical Symposium (Upagraha 2018).